7 Lies Entrepreneurs Tell Themselves and Others

Kregzo - The Creative Zone
3 min readApr 8, 2021

It's time to face the facts - all of us are in need of a reality check or reminder every so often, and sometimes there's a lot that slips by unnoticed. These are lies you tell yourself and to others when you’re toying with the idea of building your startup or if you’re halfway there. There might be tons of ideas on How to build your startup, but truly, there are a lot of untruths about entrepreneurs out there too.
Here are 7 criteria to help you be your own lie-detector and (hopefully) save yourself from unnecessary trouble.

1. “I’m doing good!"

That's wonderful! But if only it were true every time you responded with that to a "How are you?" If you're honest with yourself, the answer isn't as good as you let people believe it is. If someone hasn't told you yet - it's alright to not be in the happiest, most productive, motivated state or my mind all the time. In fact, if you said that, you're most definitely lying to yourself. There is a lot of strength in self-awareness and acknowledging the situation for what it is.

2. "Tears don’t sell."

People love stories. Especially stories conveyed by real people with raw emotions. You don't have to put your deepest, darkest struggles out there, but at the same time, you could encourage someone going through the same thing you are or once did. Share your startup ideas that failed with people that are ready to listen. People can learn from the hardest experiences, even if it's not directly happened to them.

3. "I have my life and business completely under control."

On the outside, perhaps. Pitfalls and low moments are a part of life. Whether few or plenty, they will eventually come, and as a business start up owner or just a person, you will eventually mess up every now and then. Things can happen outside of your control that you don't expect, and admitting that is the first step to readying your entrepreneurial reflexes for when the time comes.

4. "I’m living my best life every day."

How much of the life you're trying to portray is actually representative of your business start up? Social media is well equipped to make people look like they're enjoying every little bit of their day - a fresh meditative start to the day, smoothie bowl breakfast, motivational wall stickers, all play into this pseudo-productivity that can set unreal expectations for both ourselves and others.

5. “All my dreams have come true.”

Setting out with nothing but ideas for setting up a business is not a glamorous ideal. You may have had these big dreams of easy money, total control, a chock ton of fame and recognition, but the road seemed too bumpy to make, so for now you just pretend you have. Be honest about where you are and where you're going. And if you really have achieved your dreams, then dream even bigger!

6. "I’m doing just fine on my own."

Listen up to this one real close: there is only so far you can go on your own.

There. It has been said. The benefits of an entrepreneurial community far outweigh those of solitude. The amount of solid people in your team or in your network multiply your potential to so much more than what it is when you're limited to yourself. Share lives, share experiences, share skills and share struggles. A shoulder to lean on when your laces are untied helps you get the job done without hopping around on one leg and falling over yourself.

7. "I’m a natural risk taker who isn’t scared of anything."

Well firstly, congratulations! Risk-taking is one of the most essential traits of someone with unique startup business ideas. However, that doesn't mean you dastardly launch yourself into every unsure situation that comes your way. Stability in assessing the outcomes and making an informed decision is ironically a huge factor in taking risks - some are way more worth taking, and some would just be smart to avoid. Sharpen your entrepreneurial discernment for the best (although not promised!) results.

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Kregzo - The Creative Zone

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